Following the blog trend? Or an alternate reason?
I've always been against creating a blog.
1) What kind of loser would want to read about my life on the Internet?
2) My life is embarassing enough. Why put it on the world wide web?
3) In my diaries, I write about people. Having a blog means the person you write about will read what you think about them.
1) Blogs look pretty
2) I'm too lazy to keep a diary anymore (typing is so great! <-- NERD!)
3) Things happen in my everyday life which I sometimes ponder about. Usually useless, strange thoughts but why not write them out? It will force my brain to think more (I haven't been doing that too much lately) and maybe I'll learn more about myself.
4) I don't have to write about people
5) I'm planning to travel more. Blogs are great for writing about travel and the little things you find unique about different places.
So I'll give this a go ...
1) What kind of loser would want to read about my life on the Internet?
2) My life is embarassing enough. Why put it on the world wide web?
3) In my diaries, I write about people. Having a blog means the person you write about will read what you think about them.
1) Blogs look pretty
2) I'm too lazy to keep a diary anymore (typing is so great! <-- NERD!)
3) Things happen in my everyday life which I sometimes ponder about. Usually useless, strange thoughts but why not write them out? It will force my brain to think more (I haven't been doing that too much lately) and maybe I'll learn more about myself.
4) I don't have to write about people
5) I'm planning to travel more. Blogs are great for writing about travel and the little things you find unique about different places.
So I'll give this a go ...
For every good reason to start a blog there is 10 bad ones. And most people are very enthusiastic for the first few months but then drop off. I think the key is to make sure it doesn't work like your traditional, written, personal diary. Remember, with blogs you are writing to an audience, you should say something that is worth saying or interesting or funny, from your individual POV, and blogs are a fun, casual way to develop your own writing style.
Good luck with your site, blog buddy! I'm glad you've joined the world of the blog-ster (we tend to be self indulgent, but mean well) xoxo kb
Monica Tan, at 6:06 pm
Oh! Its Mon! Took me awhile to figure out who kb was. Mrs Trelore and Mrs Dakin have taught you well cuz now you are teaching us young blog-newbies how to survive in the blog world. Nobody will really want to read about my life anyways (except Danny to see what I'm up to) so I promise I won't write it as a diary! And my old diaries are full of sappy crap!
Mel, at 12:29 am
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