Structure leads to happiness?
I was talking to Danny a few weeks ago about how my life seemed a bit empty. I would go out, go shopping, come home and those everyday things I did didn't seem to have the same happiness I had before. He told me some statistic about people being more happy when they have structure in their lives (me being on holidays for a long time and all).
The first week of work was good except for feeling very small since I'm the youngest person in the company and feeling inexperienced because all the Marketing managers were so incredibly smart. However, I enjoyed my weekend a lot more because I knew weekends are rare for a person working full time. I wrote a post about fearing myself getting old and boring but I don't think I have to be scared of that.
I went to Sublime which is the youngest thing you can do. I actually had a pretty good time and treasured the experience a lot more. When I went to school, afternoon teas and watching Sesame Street were a luxury and something I looked forward to everyday. To me, if I have a lot of spare time, although I want all the time in the world, I'm less happier.
So the youth in me hasn't died yet and I'm not feeling forced to grow up. Working full time isn't too bad afterall.
The first week of work was good except for feeling very small since I'm the youngest person in the company and feeling inexperienced because all the Marketing managers were so incredibly smart. However, I enjoyed my weekend a lot more because I knew weekends are rare for a person working full time. I wrote a post about fearing myself getting old and boring but I don't think I have to be scared of that.
I went to Sublime which is the youngest thing you can do. I actually had a pretty good time and treasured the experience a lot more. When I went to school, afternoon teas and watching Sesame Street were a luxury and something I looked forward to everyday. To me, if I have a lot of spare time, although I want all the time in the world, I'm less happier.
So the youth in me hasn't died yet and I'm not feeling forced to grow up. Working full time isn't too bad afterall.
wait until your honeymoon period at work is over - i think most people are like that when they've taken a long holiday and start work - give it about a month and see how you feel!
oh and i heard about your 'promotion' work at the uni careers festivals!
jono, at 2:20 pm
Yeah it could be my honeymoon period but work is quite varied so that should prolong it. what 'promotion' work? i wasnt there but i know my stupid face was
Mel, at 9:49 pm
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