Throwing Punches
I was having a conversation with Danny the other day about throwing punches. I've always thought that people aim for the eye because people have a black eye after being punched in the face. But Danny said most people aim for the nose because that hurts the most. I'm quite curious to know what everyone else thinks. Where do you aim when you punch someone in the face?
you want a punch?
i can give you panda eyes if you like
Anonymous, at 4:53 pm
Yeah people generally aim for the nose when they punch, square at the nose. But i dont feel that punching is exactly the best way to hurt someone on the face, just imagine a palm (like that in footy) being directed straight at the nose - prolonged impact, unlike the punch which is quite sudden and rapid) or, imagine a elbow being thrown straight at the head, now thats gotta hurt. Anyways, saw a fight last night with a group of asian guys @ verandah bar, thought it was ridiculous. Whatever happened to mono-e-mono fistacuffs, like the days of old school primary school - it turned out being a 5 on 5 fight with glasses being thrown, thats down right stupidity, throwing a glass shatters and gets innocent by standers.. come on people, grow up...
Anonymous, at 4:57 pm
Hmm. I reckon u just try to smack them as hard as u can. anywhere on face, doesn't matter. probably the nose but. Mel, did i mention that u have some good photography...?i'm impressed. and sum of your friends r cute too.
Santiago ;)
reckon structure is important too. i'm with u on that one.
Anonymous, at 5:10 pm
Hmm. I reckon u just try to smack them as hard as u can. anywhere on face, doesn't matter. probably the nose but. Mel, did i mention that u have some good photography...?i'm impressed. and sum of your friends r cute too.
Santiago ;)
reckon structure is important too. i'm with u on that one.
- Santiago
Anonymous, at 5:22 pm
Then why do people have black eyes then?? Basil said its because bruises move.
Mel, at 5:52 pm
nose definitely..its where it hurts most
Anonymous, at 6:16 pm
hey mel,
hmm well i guess it depends on how much u want to injure them... if u want to hurt them bad, the nose is the best, if u are like in a fight that isnt huge probably the cheekbone area... having said that i just realised its quite stupid to think that some fights are serious and others arent considering that if u are willing to fight, you'd probably be trying your best to injure the unfortunate other...
Anonymous, at 6:50 pm
people get black eyes because it's much easier to bruise that area than the nose - it doesn't stick out and it's closer to lots of muscles around there (granted not huge muscles, but they're still there) whereas on the other hand, there are no muscles in the nose area and so hardly any bruising can occur there - more likely to have a broken nose but that's more difficult to inflict than a black eye
that's why you come across a black eye more often
tho y u would throw a punch is beyond me - a kick has much longer reach, is more powerful and keeps your most vital organ (your head) away from the opponent - or maybe that's just my capo training coming through...
jono, at 9:12 am
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