'Another' Launch Party
Last week I went to Ritchie and Pansy's store opening (called 'Another') at 13b Burton St, Darlinghurst and although I was only there for a little while, I had a really good time as it was unusual. It was a cross between those high school parties where people stood littered in the front yard and a funky store launch and a club (there was free grog and a DJ spinning decks on the cash register table lol).
The clothes looked great and there was great eye candy! (So many well dressed boys and girls but not the stuck up type but nice street wear type). I think the night went well for Ritchie and Pansy and they got a bit of PR for it too. I definitely recommend checking the store out (it's just off Oxford St).
Photos: Ritchie&Pansy; me&a sticker of one of their brands; outside the shop; inside the shop; Jason & Pansy doing the gutter thing; the DJ (chris- when i saw him i thought, he'd be someone u would like to befriend!)

The clothes looked great and there was great eye candy! (So many well dressed boys and girls but not the stuck up type but nice street wear type). I think the night went well for Ritchie and Pansy and they got a bit of PR for it too. I definitely recommend checking the store out (it's just off Oxford St).
Photos: Ritchie&Pansy; me&a sticker of one of their brands; outside the shop; inside the shop; Jason & Pansy doing the gutter thing; the DJ (chris- when i saw him i thought, he'd be someone u would like to befriend!)

Yum, more clothes shop. whats the name of the store?
Anonymous, at 12:11 pm
oops thats me, Mel
lv lura
Anonymous, at 12:12 pm
I'm going to cry... wait, too late... stuck in my room with a fucked up foot and stuck on crutches for who knows how long... BoOOoOOoo!!!!! But I did get an HD for this random exam!! YAY me... biggest load of shit i've ever written ever, in spanish as well.. oh, wish Pansy and Richie all the best, ahh miss em, ahh so miss the fashion scene...
the shop looks wickeddddddd, i wanna work there, ahh everyone's dressed so yummily... ahh just spotted u and petina...tears again, ahh i'm such a weak shit, how cool are the snoboards, love the jap chick ones..mmm jap food.. DJ?? Hmm, yeah not diggin him yet, why are there so many pics of jism
Din, at 1:04 pm
ooops! i miss asian boysl... when the hell do i ever miss asian boys, how hot is pansy's jacket, yay for asian prideeeeeee... is fresno too passed out for photos, hey i know ben and that breaker whose name escapes my mind, ooh i think i see fresno's head....
Ok, relaly have to study, how g a y.. extremely G A Y. Xx. C
P.s.. I'm not dead!
Din, at 1:09 pm
Laura - the store is called 'Another'. Its pretty cool!
Hotness2- Stop dancing and stop moving around dammit!! U need to rest your foot!! Read, write poems, sing karaoke, cook instead!! i know its hard or try to just dance on one foot. There were lots of pics of Jason on siren cuz he was the bartender there! Fresno didnt go to the party because he was drunk i think and passed out and petina got mad at him and said, "If YOU ever have a launch party, dont expect ritchie and pansy to come!" in her cute voice and slammed the door on him hehe.
PS. Write more to me and michelle! My gay friend likes michelle and wilson
Mel, at 9:51 pm
hey mel!
Henri asked me if i wanted to go to the launch, but i think i was working until about 7 that night, so unfortunately missed it..
looked like a great night! free alcohol and music is always fantastic hehe
hope you're havin fun!
Anonymous, at 12:12 pm
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