New Role
Tomorrow I'll be starting my new role as a Marketing Assistant for Dove. (I'm still at the same company but just changing roles). I'm pretty excited as I'll be working on the campaign for real beauty which I firmly believe in. 'Real Beauty' is beauty that comes in all shapes, sizes, colours, ages... flick through a magazine and you'll see that society's definition of beauty is a size 6, tall, Western woman (probably suffering from eating disorders and heavily airbrushed). I've always thought that people who have great personalities have beauty that really shines on the outside. And this campaign is trying to change society's definition of beauty.
I went to the Campaign for Real Beauty launch this week at The Establishment where there were a lot of magazine editors, TV people and C-grade celebrities (there were meant to be more reporters but apparently there was a shooting at Granville during the launch so all the reporters went there to report instead which I thought was strange). This was to start a debate on what 'beauty' is and to get a lot of PR for it. However, the people who were at the launch were fashionistas and a bit pretentious so I don' t know if the whole real beauty presentation would have really impacted them. Hopefully it will. However, Wendy Harmer spoke there and when I spoke to her afterwards, she seemed like a really strong believer of the campaign.
You will probably see advertising around Sydney soon of 5 women. They ask you to vote on the website on whether you think one is grey or gorgeous, another 44 and hot or 44 or not, or whether another woman is fat or fabulous. So go to to vote! I am glad I am working on this brand as it is a step closer to my earlier post about doing something in life that will help out society in some way. Dove has set up a self-esteem fund where some profits will go towards educating girls on a wider definition of beauty and helping girls with eating disorders. I'm not as brave as Ben but at least I'm going to be working on a campaign that may help people out.
I went to the Campaign for Real Beauty launch this week at The Establishment where there were a lot of magazine editors, TV people and C-grade celebrities (there were meant to be more reporters but apparently there was a shooting at Granville during the launch so all the reporters went there to report instead which I thought was strange). This was to start a debate on what 'beauty' is and to get a lot of PR for it. However, the people who were at the launch were fashionistas and a bit pretentious so I don' t know if the whole real beauty presentation would have really impacted them. Hopefully it will. However, Wendy Harmer spoke there and when I spoke to her afterwards, she seemed like a really strong believer of the campaign.
You will probably see advertising around Sydney soon of 5 women. They ask you to vote on the website on whether you think one is grey or gorgeous, another 44 and hot or 44 or not, or whether another woman is fat or fabulous. So go to to vote! I am glad I am working on this brand as it is a step closer to my earlier post about doing something in life that will help out society in some way. Dove has set up a self-esteem fund where some profits will go towards educating girls on a wider definition of beauty and helping girls with eating disorders. I'm not as brave as Ben but at least I'm going to be working on a campaign that may help people out.
Vote at Campaign for Real Beauty
Some workmates and me
So what do you think? Fat? Fabulous?
Anonymous, at 10:28 pm
As for me, my mountaineerin prof has gone to Nepal for a 2 month expedition, am extremely jealous but have been selected to be an ayudante (helper type) for Montanismo 1!!! I'm also writing... in Spanish... for a traveller's magazine and organising International Exchange outings, forums etc etc!! Apart from that, doing a lot of rockclimbing, mountainclimbing... there's a rockclimbin comp this weekend in a far away place.. 3 hours away and I was somehow chosen to compete... yayyyyy, but at night, you party party party away!!! Y I'm also beginnin to organise stuff again with Woollahra council, u should consider sendin out a positive message for the younger kids as there's so much pressure in school to own the best clothes, be popular and have th ehottest boyfriend, bleghh go fck a cherry tree, BOOOO!!! ANywho, besides that, my day was lovely! Diego and I played with the dogs then read the lame Chilean version of Seventeen, nearly burnt the thing in disgust, Diego was just pervin, funny funny boy.. such a sweetheart tho!
Din, at 11:42 am
I was walking through central station yesterday and saw the Dove ads! I was so excited. I was going to take a picture next to them, but I was surrounded by shady people that looked liked they'd rob me if I whip out my fancy camera. Oh well - next time :D
Anonymous, at 10:46 pm
sounds like a fantastic campaign
is it a national campaign or a global one? should I be looking out for it.
Anonymous, at 9:38 am
Heheh.. I get excited too when I see the billboards!
It's a global one but I think it's already occured in the UK and US.
Yes its good but not everyone is affected by it. For example our good friend Cindy said it's not effective as nobody wants to buy a product with a real woman in it..
But that's why we need to change those views. Every single girl i know is concerned with their image somehow (even myself). Luckily i've never suffered eating disorders but im sure all of you know of ppl who have..
Mel, at 9:16 pm
“77% of women wish the media would portray real beauty, not just physical beauty“
Im in that statistic, although being in Paris right now, I can't help noticing proportionately more 'physical beauty' than 'real beauty'
Anonymous, at 3:35 am
oh, that was me, lura
Anonymous, at 3:36 am
omigod you and your workmates are like the hottest babes on the planet or what
Monica Tan, at 10:55 am
happy easter!
II Cor 5:14-15
Anonymous, at 3:33 pm
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