Favourite Drinks
Mmm... here are some of my favourite drinks:
* Chai tea @ 'South' Cafe in Newtown - It's served in a plunger and a little pot of honey so you can adjust the sugar levels (a lot of cafes serve it in powder form which consists of mainly sugar). It's $4 and tastes spicier than other chai teas you usually get. Comfortable, cosy atmosphere- great place for D&M conversations late at night.
* Coconuts chopped up by... me!! My new skill for this year is chopping coconuts. I feel tribal when chopping them up on the kitchen floor at home and it's very refreshing on a hot day! Coconuts are not the easiest things to chop up and you may often give up but it's worth it!
* Avocado Milkshake from any Indonesian restaurant - sounds really disgusting and the yellow-green colour may not look appealing but it's soooo delicious and creamy! One of my favourite drinks!!
* Frangelico and tonic - tastes like hazelnut! yum! Add a slice of lime to add that bit of flavour. Ask Michelle to make it for you at Middle Bar on Saturdays (she's left Home Bar)
* Heated up chocolate flavoured bubble tea with pearls from Easyway - very good in Winter and an instant sugar hit! I like having it whilst watching a movie in Winter as it warms your hands while you watch the movie.
* Any cocktail made by Jason @ Oscars in Pyrmont - you just tell him your mood, what sort of flavours/fruit you would like, whether you want to get drunk or not and he'll make a cocktail just for you! He's a fan of lychees. Haven't had a cocktail made by Terry yet but I'm sure he's good too!
* VB in a bottle - this was the first beer that I grew up on and I used to dislike it but when they say beer is an acquired taste- its really true!! The quality of VB varies but nothing beats drinking an ice cold VB in a bottle on a hot day... yummmm. I sound like an aussie bogan haha. But I'm not that bogan enough to drink it in a can.
* Hoegaarden- My favourite beer this year. Not something you drink to get drunk but a nice drink to just sit back and catch up with friends. I like catching up with Warren over a Hoegaarden and $6 steak at the Chelsea in Chatswood. Good mash potatoes they have there with the steak!
* Chai tea @ 'South' Cafe in Newtown - It's served in a plunger and a little pot of honey so you can adjust the sugar levels (a lot of cafes serve it in powder form which consists of mainly sugar). It's $4 and tastes spicier than other chai teas you usually get. Comfortable, cosy atmosphere- great place for D&M conversations late at night.
* Coconuts chopped up by... me!! My new skill for this year is chopping coconuts. I feel tribal when chopping them up on the kitchen floor at home and it's very refreshing on a hot day! Coconuts are not the easiest things to chop up and you may often give up but it's worth it!
* Avocado Milkshake from any Indonesian restaurant - sounds really disgusting and the yellow-green colour may not look appealing but it's soooo delicious and creamy! One of my favourite drinks!!
* Frangelico and tonic - tastes like hazelnut! yum! Add a slice of lime to add that bit of flavour. Ask Michelle to make it for you at Middle Bar on Saturdays (she's left Home Bar)
* Heated up chocolate flavoured bubble tea with pearls from Easyway - very good in Winter and an instant sugar hit! I like having it whilst watching a movie in Winter as it warms your hands while you watch the movie.
* Any cocktail made by Jason @ Oscars in Pyrmont - you just tell him your mood, what sort of flavours/fruit you would like, whether you want to get drunk or not and he'll make a cocktail just for you! He's a fan of lychees. Haven't had a cocktail made by Terry yet but I'm sure he's good too!
* VB in a bottle - this was the first beer that I grew up on and I used to dislike it but when they say beer is an acquired taste- its really true!! The quality of VB varies but nothing beats drinking an ice cold VB in a bottle on a hot day... yummmm. I sound like an aussie bogan haha. But I'm not that bogan enough to drink it in a can.
* Hoegaarden- My favourite beer this year. Not something you drink to get drunk but a nice drink to just sit back and catch up with friends. I like catching up with Warren over a Hoegaarden and $6 steak at the Chelsea in Chatswood. Good mash potatoes they have there with the steak!
Jason making a cocktail for me!
I vote for fresh coconuts. They are the best. The canned ones in Chinese groceries doesn't cut it for me. Oh, and scooping out the flesh is the best.
Warm choco-flavourerd bubble tea & avocado milkshake....nOOOOoo. I love my bubble tea, but only cold. Speaking of bubble tea, guess how much it costs for a standard bubble tea in Chinatown...3.50 quid..thats AUD 8.75!
Happy drinking!
Anonymous, at 2:58 pm
dude avocado drinks are lisa's favourites too what is with that?
but definetly thumbs up with the hoegaarden they're um... different
jono, at 11:00 am
You cannot talk about anything Asian. I am craving bubble tea... black sesame, sour plum, Chai tea, green tea, rice barley tea... those yummy shakes from cabramatta.. with fruit and syrup and coconut milk with those jelly things and beans... OMG. Or fresh juice and fresh milk. no soy milk, they don't have fresh juice here. fresh juice is juice concentrate with sugar and water. how shit is that. They do have yummy drinks here.. bottled water. and when i was drinking, red wine and cola. but yes, water is yummy.
http://photos.yahoo.com/dinishere2 i updated pics from the weekend! Juanma...... mmm
Din, at 12:25 pm
hey mel you'll have to tell me next time you go to oscars in pyrmont cause its right down the street from pat's apartment, we walk past there all the time!
anneke :)
Anonymous, at 5:26 pm
hey this wouldn't b x-grammar pat by any chance would it
Din, at 7:14 am
Yes she's referring to the Pat that Lou knows. Sorry I haven't emailed in awhile- have been heaps busy but I will email the hotnesses tonight!
Mel, at 9:18 am
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