Random Shoes - A Global Phenomenon
I was just on a call with someone from Denmark and he had something very scary to report - random shoes are a global phenomenon. Para was just innocently cycling to uni when he almost fell off his bike. There on the road was a shoe. Not a pair of shoes. One shoe. One Danish kid's shoe. Which proves that shoes can be from owners of all different sizes and all over the world.
A lot of theories have been proposed for the reasoning behind so many random single shoes on roads but no one has come with a solid, elucidatory answer. Is it because they are tied to power lines and then fall when possums run across the line? Is it because they are placed strategically for artistic purposes? Or is it because there are shoe bandits across the globe who try to mess the minds of innocent people? This is very frightening.
PS. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY PARA for tomorrow! (I did it purple to match your painting colour)
A lot of theories have been proposed for the reasoning behind so many random single shoes on roads but no one has come with a solid, elucidatory answer. Is it because they are tied to power lines and then fall when possums run across the line? Is it because they are placed strategically for artistic purposes? Or is it because there are shoe bandits across the globe who try to mess the minds of innocent people? This is very frightening.
PS. HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY PARA for tomorrow! (I did it purple to match your painting colour)
Thanks Cher!! We have ANOTHER theory. Cher says shoes are thrown over power lines as a sign that there the house behind the power lines are dealing drugs. Have drug dealings increased? Maybe thats why there are so many shoes everywhere. But it doesnt explain why I saw a shoe on the freeway (who has a house in the middle of the freeway!?) and the other public places other people have spotted shoes. But good theory. Thanks for that!
Mel, at 4:44 pm
Why is everyone thinkin of going to the COMPEC ball? We aren't even postgrads! Nah... i think i've had enough of balls this year.. heeh
Mel, at 12:49 am
Once my friend and I found a pair of red heels on a street. I put them on - they fit OK! I clicked my heels three times Dorothy-style but I didn't go anyway. I walked down the street in them until I got sick of it. We put the shoes facing a parking metre and was happy in our little contribution to their life.
Monica Tan, at 9:22 pm
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