Bits and Pieces
I haven't been writing as much as I used to. Life is pretty busy and it was only yesterday when I took a bath that I reflected on what I've been doing and what I want to do in the future (baths are a great time for reflection! Whilst listening to classical music). For the first time, I haven't felt like I want to go overseas and experience a different way of living there. I feel that I'm in the right place at this time in life right now and work, friends, church and everything is just right at the moment so there is no need to travel yet. But that's going according to plan (and yes I have finally got a plan... well one main hazy plan out of many). Below are bits and pieces of previous weeks that I have found memorable:
* Ending up on air with Merrick & Rosso with all of Sydney knowing what I was going to do on the long weekend and embarassingly losing the schooner vs midi tapping test because I couldn't here the taps over the phone
* Para and I checking out all the beautiful people at the races and Para saying unintentionally loudly that he thinks the person sitting next to him looks famous. The guy started laughing because of that comment and many other stupid ones we were saying and introduced himself to Para and turned out to be a member of Parliament.
* Ending up at an awesome apartment above a store in Paddington (opposite the Tsubi store) with some friends where there was a party with a whole soccer team and no girls except for me and Bec.
* Watching thousands of people pelting water balloons at each other at Coogee beach for the Xbox world record water balloon challenge
* Befriending someone who has $6000 worth of tattoos on his chest and back full of religious symbols and art. His back is one of Raphael's paintings! And him trying to introduce me to punk music... I'm gradually tolerating it
* Whilst having a bleeding nose last week, my sister suggested I put a tampon up my nose
* Ending up on air with Merrick & Rosso with all of Sydney knowing what I was going to do on the long weekend and embarassingly losing the schooner vs midi tapping test because I couldn't here the taps over the phone
* Para and I checking out all the beautiful people at the races and Para saying unintentionally loudly that he thinks the person sitting next to him looks famous. The guy started laughing because of that comment and many other stupid ones we were saying and introduced himself to Para and turned out to be a member of Parliament.
* Ending up at an awesome apartment above a store in Paddington (opposite the Tsubi store) with some friends where there was a party with a whole soccer team and no girls except for me and Bec.
* Watching thousands of people pelting water balloons at each other at Coogee beach for the Xbox world record water balloon challenge
* Befriending someone who has $6000 worth of tattoos on his chest and back full of religious symbols and art. His back is one of Raphael's paintings! And him trying to introduce me to punk music... I'm gradually tolerating it
* Whilst having a bleeding nose last week, my sister suggested I put a tampon up my nose
Para and I bumming at the races
heylo, its 5.47am, and I am trying to wrap up my dissertation, which is due in oh, a few hours...boyyyy, do I hate footnotes/bibliography and referencing....I want over.
mmmM nice photo!
and I owe you an email
xx lura
Anonymous, at 2:53 pm
Boo You!
Hmm, I'm still decidin whethere thats a Boo as in the sound a supposed ghost makes boo or a boo hoo type boo...
8 weeks...actually 7 weeks and 5 days, not countin or anythin till I'm back in Oz n I've already startin tearin, haha such a weirdo, I know..imagine me when I have 1 day left.... Yes, been a bad bad friend and haven't sent group emails for quite a long time... too much has happened to even try to explain why I haven't been in front of the comp!! One of the housemates, the only other one who doesn't have another half asked me out and i declined as i don't date housemates, then he wanted a kiss so i kicked him out of my room, hehe, anyway, i have just ended a 5 night booze marathon... figured i should get some zzz...... email u soon
Din, at 8:13 am
Post more Mel!
With your new job, surely you have more time to write then when you were in consumer insights, right?
Ben, at 11:38 pm
Hey dork!!!!
Back in Buenos Aires n yes...skippin uni....REBEL!!! Anyway I accidentally, ahem he kissed me, don´t worry no tongue, it was too funny to continue... oh with the receptionist at the hostel I´m at... then we went shopping..marion n i n got asked out by the shop was really hot but had a tat, YUK! Then went to my friend who lives here and she has quite an interesting housemate but he´s coming over yes boys aplenty, shopping far too much and i have to get changed FUCK... have been goin out sorta..guess we´re in the city tht never sleeps... i do, i have become a granny, yes hard to vbelieve..i miss santiago and i have spent more time in rockcliming shops than actual shoppin tho today i bought shoes, a belt, 5singlets, 2 jumpers... leg warmers etc etc...still have a bit of the consumerism in me, blah, need too peeeeee then get changed n look like an asian beauty queen for my hot argentian weirdo!!!
Xxxxxx......CHRISOOOOOOOOOOO yes too lazy to sign in!!
Anonymous, at 8:49 am
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