I love all things random!
I love random things. They make me laugh and smile and feel silly. Sal and Mark (the gay couple I met) live on the most expensive street in Paddington and in their house they have gigantic expensive birds. Sal wants to adopt me as a mini-Sal (the obvious difference with me being straight and being a girl) and take me to gay raves where I'd be the belle of the ball - "Everyone will LOVE you! You're way too cute!".
Another random person is Chris.M. He's a bouncer, in the army and a model yet he knits and listens to Andrea Bocelli. He currently has a hole in his backyard that he dug up himself so that he can practice jumping out of it so that he gets jumping muscles. This is so he can achieve the feat of jumping over his car. (Omg!).
Random events are fun too. Para and I were once stopped to be interviewed for Mexican news. The newsreader held the mike in front of me and asked whether I would be able to dig a hole to China from where I was standing. And another time, Para and I walked into an artistic T-shirt exhibition, thinking it was a clothes shop. There was free alcohol, heaps of design students, so I pretended to be arty farty and someone actually thought I had designed one of the t-shirts and asked me where my inspiration came from. After being photographed for the SMH and feeling a bit giddy from the free grog, Para and I left.
The best random image in mind which I think of fondly was at 3am on a Saturday night at Kings Cross walking past trendy girls crowded around a bunch of bums playing music and dancing the night away! I love how music brings all types of people together - it didn't matter that they were bums and didn't have as much class or money as the girls, but they both shared a common passion- the music- and danced the night away ...
This is my random friend Chris.M. He compares meeting me to the butterfly effect. I met him a year ago and through me, I sent his pictures to Henri who put him in a fashion show. Then through meeting Henri, he got a job as a bouncer. As a bouncer, he's met Heath Ledger and Megan Gale! One night when he was working on security, a girl gave him the contact for Peter Chadwick. He went to Chadwicks and is now a model and has travelled around and done cool shoots! Funny how one thing leads to another which is why we should always be open to opportunities. Whenever I suggest something to him, he's up for it which is why he does so many random things! (photo from sir3n.com and permission given by Chris.M to write about his randomness and put his photo in!).
hehe interesting mel
i doubt chris will stop @ chadwicks
we're planning to taking him to hk - elite models
Anonymous, at 11:03 pm
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