I'm promoting Germany!
Guess what? Claire was looking up German travel info on the Net and she stumbled across that stupid pic of me eating a giant pretzel! Click here if you want to see it (the pic is underneath the facts on Germany & travel specials). I find it really funny that I'm in the German travel section of the sydney morning herald website.
Ben has now gone off to East Timor but we had a great farewell night at the White Horse and then off to crazy 77. See the pics below! And some other pics from other nights... I've been busy so haven't had much time to write but I've discovered I have commitment phobia, I might be helping Mon set up a new Club night, and I need a haircut. Claire has come back from Europe where she was helping out people with drug addictions but will be gone soon to do volunteer work with children that need help in NZ.

Ben has now gone off to East Timor but we had a great farewell night at the White Horse and then off to crazy 77. See the pics below! And some other pics from other nights... I've been busy so haven't had much time to write but I've discovered I have commitment phobia, I might be helping Mon set up a new Club night, and I need a haircut. Claire has come back from Europe where she was helping out people with drug addictions but will be gone soon to do volunteer work with children that need help in NZ.

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Ben, at 12:56 pm
hi mel! it really does sound like you've been having a blast in sydney. makes me miss it so much!! i just got back from bangkok last night and i'm going back there again on monday for 5 days to finish off my commercial. will write more later but just wanted to drop a quick hello =) missing you tons!
Anonymous, at 2:51 pm
hi mel, fun photos! that pretzel looks mouth-watering. am I going to find that mammoth of a pretzel in Berlin? if so, Ill remember to take a shot and email you
does that shirt say, I love Dubbo..as in Dublin dubbo or somewhere else?
Anonymous, at 12:46 pm
ben- yes ppl think the other girl is mel o'young haha.
steph - miss u too! Will write u and all the other hotnesses an email soon... hav been busy. hope the commercial is going well
anonymous- who's this? hehe. Dubbo as in the country town Dubbo in Australia! they've been trying to promote their town
Mel, at 1:50 pm
Oh my god, who is that guy licking your ear??? I'm jealous. haha ...
Anonymous, at 8:28 pm
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