Mel's Little World ...

Monday, February 20, 2006

It's Saturday!

Was meaning to put these photos up for awhile of a busy Saturday I once had (I got dizzy spells by the end of the day cuz I tried to do everything ... which will link to my next post I'll write). I've also added pictures from Good Vibrations. It was a bit of a disappointment as I didn't like the music that much but it doesn't matter. At least work gave us VIP passes to use the bathrooms there instead of lining up for half an hour!! (Thanks Alister). The VIP tent was an island theme so I washed my dirty feet in the mini pool. Made a new friend called Dice and had fun dancing at Ruby Rabbit. Below are pics of Elliot and me being posers, Connie's 22nd bday drinks, hot apple cider with Naima and Naomi.

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Valentines Day for the Hotnesses

This is what the hotnesses did on Valentines Day.
Hotness 1/Michelle: "Have got Valentines day all planned out. it's gonna be the most loser-ish fat and ugly day ever.. i'm gonna spend all day/night in the ugliest pyjama's and fluffy pink slippers that i own, and i'm gonna sit in bed, watching stay-at-home-loser-chick-flick movies like bridget jones' diary and love actually or something equally as english and gay .. and smoke cigarettes one after the other, with a bowl of crisps or popcorn or chocolate cake balanced on my oversized fat-laden stomach, whilst getting pissed on cheap $7 a bottle red wine. Fantastic."
Hotness 2/Chris: In South America at the moment, the land of cheap drugs. Said something about baking space cakes and then swimming at their private beach with the witch doctor letting her try natural herbs and flowers. Also something about running up mountains and crossing the tropical forest to other beaches where hot Brazilians are doing capoeira and african drumming and then after I scold her that she shouldn't smoke so much pot she replies that she's taken my advice and is doing acid instead!! (tsk tsk!). And then goes fishing and dances with everybody on the balcony eating fresh fruit.
Hotness 3/me: I'm not playing touch footy this season but my cousin asked if I could play on V-Day. This was because most of the players in the team were out on dates and they called single people (ie. me) to fill in as they probably wouldn't have anything to do. Yay. (Below - Hotness 1, 2, and 3.. for those who don't know about the hotnesses, it's another one of Michelle's funny British words that comes out of her mouth.)

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Chicken Costumes & Pink Thongs

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I was meant to put these photos up awhile ago. Just when I thought life was getting quieter, I ended up having another one of those random nights. It started out with me having a lovely dinner at the Bavarian beer cafe (the dark wheat beer is LOVELY- it tastes like toffee. I recommend it. $9.50 for half a litre) with Elliot/Cousy/Mr P and then later met up with high school friends for a girls night. However, we split up after going to Zeta Bar @ the Hilton (full of old business ppl there) and ended up at Bungalow 8 because Cindy/Ducky's (pretty girl laughing in the top right picture) boyfriend was there. I bumped into a lot of Knox people there for some reason including my first ex! Ended up being a guys night (and me) and ended up at Club 77 which is the weirdest club ever!

I've always been meaning to go but never ended up there. There was a girl dressed in a chicken costume dancing next to me and I didn't know whether the bartenders were guy or girls. There was a guy who brought a garden gnome to the club so I took pics with it (see below) and took a pic of him and we danced around it. But then it's head fell off. It was fun dancing crazy and I was with a fun group. It didn't matter if I looked stupid because everyone else was probably weirder than me. Well most people.

On Australia Day, I wanted to join in on breaking the guiness book of world records for the longest line of inflatable objects in the water. Jonno and Steve got giant pink havaiana thong floaties and joined in making the long line. I really wanted to be in it but I was worried I would throw up from motion sickness and be known as the girl who destroyed the world record because she threw up and broke the line. It was very funny and random seeing all these people floating on giant pink thongs and getting dumped when they tried to ride waves with their thongs. We then went to the world record after party and I drank some Snakebites (Highly recommended too when you don't feel like the full taste of beer. I tried it in Europe but they make it here too- its beer, cider and rasberry).

Note: Some people have asked me if I'm down about being single because of my posts. I'm actually not and should perhaps stop writing about my love life (correction: lack of love life) so that it doesn't make me seem so Bridget! One great revelation is that I've realised I'm happy being by myself and don't feel like I need someone to fulfil me. And that's important as you need to be happy with yourself before you can happily be with anyone else. Actually I'm not completely telling the truth- its my fabulous friends that make me laugh and feel complete. I love you all!