Mel's Little World ...

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Danny got a job offer with The Boston Consulting Group today and truly deserves it! Congratulations Danny, you should feel very proud of yourself since you're the youngest graduate they have ever taken in Australia! Although preparing through cases was boring and I haven't seen a lot of you lately because you have been preparing, in the end it all worked out well!

Lee Supatube Jeans

I love Lee's new Supatube jeans. I wore them at work today and they were so comfy and a lot of customers commented on how cool and good they look! I think i'm gonna get them cuz I asked my boss for a big discount and he said I could take 40% off. Yay! Comes in crazy colours like red, green, blue, yellow.

Monday, December 20, 2004

A day in Summer

I love summer. After a nice 34 degree, blue skies Sunday at Coogee beach with Lizzy and then yummy Jap food with Dad, I headed to Potts Point for a night out at YU nightclub with my new tan.

On the way there, someone rang me in the car and I started talking and then noticed 2 police cars in front of me. I threw down the phone and thought, "Oh shit oh shit oh shit" because they were so close to me and looking at me. When I drove past them I smiled and kept my hand to my ear, pretending to scratch my head and sing. The cops peered down from their cars to look down at me while I scratched and sung and then drove off. Phew!

I then went to an apartment in Potts Point to drink some V (sorry, not redbull this time) and Marissa's 17 year old sister went out with us because the RTA got her license mixed up and put her as being born in 1981. How lucky is that!

At YU, I was with Michelle, Jason, Steph, Chris, Marissa, her sister and the Middle Bar bartenders. Merlin from Big Brother works at Middle Bar and the funny thing is that he's a glass collector. I find it amusing how Big Brother celebrities quickly fall back to normal life after their fame and get picked on by everyone because they expect them to be doing great things.

When i was at YU, a guy offered me a drink but remembering my previous post about offering drinks at bars, I declined. A bit later on, I was offered a shot but that just signals danger in itself and reinforces their intentions as stated in my post. One of my highlights that night was Michelle's way of showing a guy she disapproves. A sleazy guy tried to make moves on her and she got mad. She stomped and turned her back on him and with a haughty look and her nose in the air, she flicked her hair in his face. I have never seen anyone do that before and it was just so hilarious!

The music was great and played some of my favourite tracks. I don't get sick of the music although I hear it all day at work! Speaking of work, I couldn't help but analyse the clothes people were wearing and even noticed a few people I served at work wearing what I told them they should wear clubbing. Made me feel proud that they took my advice.

Memorable person of the night was Wilson who is gay and so fun. I offended him by saying what you should never say to a gay person. I told him he looked like everyone else in the club and his face was crestfallen. Those who know me know that by trying to explain that I didn't mean it, I just dig a deeper hole. I bumped into Andy and it seemed like just yesterday during those North Sydney post-HSC days where Andy was just a glass collector at Metro. Now he's the manager there. Time flies by so fast...

On the way home I drove through Kings Cross. It was quite a weird scene there as usual. This prostitute was walking on my side of the road like it was a catwalk and didn't move off. When I beeped (big mistake), it drew attention to my car and all these guys ran on the road and put their thumbs up. I didn't know how to react so I just gave them a thumbs up back and quickly drove on the other side of the road to get out of Kings Cross. It wasn't until later that I realised that they were probably trying to hitchhike. Duh. And I gave them a thumbs up back. I'm so dumb.

Wish there would be more sunny days. Can't wait till Field Day!

Friday, December 17, 2004

"Um, Can you please not vomit on me?"

Today I was asked by a stranger on the way home on the train not to vomit on him. I was catching the train home with Colleen and Hera and the only seats left were the ones going backwards. So I sat on the backwards seat but turned around so I was facing forwards because I said aloud I was feeling a bit sick going backwards.

I then started talking about the time I went to the Great Barrier Reef and threw up 7 times because it was a 2 hour boat trip on a small boat. I went into more details which I shall not mention here unless requested to. The stranger sitting on the seat that I was facing hesistatingly said, "Um, can you please not vomit on me?" and gave a nervous chuckle. I laughed and said, "Oh don't worry! I only throw up on boats."

He left on the next stop (maybe to a different carriage) and then a young chinese teenage boy sat in that spot. Since I was facing him, he looked agitated the whole ride because it was like I was examining him.

There are so many vomit stories. I remember after a night out at Chinese Laundry, Monica was throwing up in the bathroom so I flagged a cab to get her home. I put my hand over her mouth so if she threw up I would keep it in her mouth and not get fined. The taxi driver then chucked us out. Another moment was on a very late night ride bus back home where a guy continually threw up so the bus floor was full of vomit. I had to get out by climbing over seat by seat to reach the door.

Anyways, sorry about the topic of the post. I will talk about less disgusting stuff in my next ones.

PS. I saw another single random shoe in the middle of the road this week. Scary.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

21st Party Pics are now up!

To check out your pics at my party, click on the link below:

Mel's 21st Pictures

Some pics are below.

Me "hitting the decks" or "being a spaz"

Group shot (Ben, Chris, Pansy, Petina, me)

The youngest, cutest bachelor at the party!

My sister (Anna) and me. She did a wonderful speech!

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

People who steal drinks

Today I got my Boost Juice stolen but its not the first time. I also got my Gloria Jeans ice chocolate stolen last year. It happens when I pay for my drink at Boost Juice/Gloria Jeans/Starbucks/any pay-and-then-wait place and then go shopping for 5 minutes because they take awhile to make.

When I come back, I ask, "Where's my ____?" and they look surprised and say they already gave it to somebody. But in both situations, they made me the largest size drink to compensate for my drink getting stolen. I ordered a kids size All Berry Bang today but got a large instead!

If you think about it, its pretty easy to steal my drink because when they call out, "MEL!!!" (to collect the drink), a guy or a girl can pretend to be a Mel and steal my drink. It's just that i hate waiting (as those who know me know) so would rather do something productive like shop to pass the time. That's why they should have receipts with numbers so only the person with the receipt can get the drink and not have to stand watching young teenage Boost Juice employees jump around.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Holidays so far

Thanks to those who came to my 21st birthday party and said such lovely things and gave me such nice gifts. The cards were really touching with people saying such nice things to me!Photos are not up yet, however, there are some on Jocelyn's blog and Wing's blog that they took with their own cameras. I got a big surprise from Ben who surprised me by turning up to my party when he's been overseas for the last 1.5 years.

Its hard being the birthday girl at a party! It seems like the night is spent saying thank you, hello and good bye to everyone and in my case, 140 people. So im sorry if I couldn't talk to anyone properly at my party! But please ring me so we can catch up in the hols.

Holidays have been fun so far! Everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit. After going to Funktrust at Hunter Bar last night, I caught the nightride bus home with some friends. The bus driver was dressed as Santa Clause and gave me a lolly! I was so excited but nobody else on the bus seemed as excited as me about Santa Clause driving the bus.

I've been working casually at Zero at Chatswood and its heaps fun. Come visit me if you're in Chatswood! It sells Diesel, Mooks, Mossimo, Lee etc clothes. What I love about it is that I get to select whatever I want to wear for my shift and then dance to the funky music.

I'll keep this post short because its rather boring. BUT ...

4I've been trying to eat less sugar but last night I ate lollies. I then got 2 mosquito bites
4I was running to Catherine's house with shoes in my hands when i dropped one shoe in the middle of the road. I saw a car coming so I ran off the road. Luckily the car didn't run over my shoe. Perhaps other people get in similar situations but their shoe gets run over so they just leave them there on the road.
4I am called "little one" at work because everyone thinks im 17 but im actually 21. I hope when I start full time work that people will see through my high pitched voice and take me seriously!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

4/12/04 Sydney Morning Herald. Click on the photo to read the text!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Do you have kids? No! Its my bday and im 21!

Yesterday I was about to meet a friend at the shopping centre when I passed by one of those temporary promotional stands. They were trying to sign up people for maths tutoring. I walked past and they stepped out and were about to speak to me so I said, "No thank you. I'm a uni student and I don't need maths tutoring".

The guy then said, "Do you have any kids?". I stared at him aghast. I did not look like a Mum at all that day. I was wearing a denim mini and a pink top and I wasn't even carrying any plastic bags. I stopped walking and said to him, "WHAT?! KIDS?! It's my BIRTHDAY today! And im TWENTY ONE years old!".

He then went, "oh!" and gave me a high five. I then left.